Monday, June 4, 2012

not so pretty little liars. Not with me DON'T lie to me

I have this friend who likes to lie to me.  I have no idea why. I guess she thinks her life aint so interesting to tell the truth, but dude, its your life it has nothing to me ashamed of. Once she told me that she met One Direction in the last holidays, what was completly out of her mind, cuz one day later her mom told me "poor her, she spent her whole holidays watching TV". 

Lying it's not cool. People lie naturally. Small lies you know, the typicals: I did the homework but left it home, I cannot go to your party I have a family meeting and that kind of things. But lies reach the point where you get that they are lying to you and you start to get appart  of that person. Who likes to be laid? noone! You lose trust and dont believe to that person, when they (sometimess) tell the truth. 

I'll be short and clear with this cuz I have to study french now. Lying is a bitch, don't try it and don't make it an habit, cuz'  a habit will define who you are, later. Get over it. If you know that you are one of those "pretty little liars" try to beat it. If they are your true friends, they'll love you for who you are not for who you pretend to be :)

Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
