Monday, June 4, 2012

not so pretty little liars. Not with me DON'T lie to me

I have this friend who likes to lie to me.  I have no idea why. I guess she thinks her life aint so interesting to tell the truth, but dude, its your life it has nothing to me ashamed of. Once she told me that she met One Direction in the last holidays, what was completly out of her mind, cuz one day later her mom told me "poor her, she spent her whole holidays watching TV". 

Lying it's not cool. People lie naturally. Small lies you know, the typicals: I did the homework but left it home, I cannot go to your party I have a family meeting and that kind of things. But lies reach the point where you get that they are lying to you and you start to get appart  of that person. Who likes to be laid? noone! You lose trust and dont believe to that person, when they (sometimess) tell the truth. 

I'll be short and clear with this cuz I have to study french now. Lying is a bitch, don't try it and don't make it an habit, cuz'  a habit will define who you are, later. Get over it. If you know that you are one of those "pretty little liars" try to beat it. If they are your true friends, they'll love you for who you are not for who you pretend to be :)

Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

kids today

Yesterday I went to a Elementary School to read some books to the children. Tough I thought it was going to be cute, you know, kids being happy because an older (and cute) girl goes to their school just to read them a book but it was a disaster. The kids shouted anything they imagined and insulted me and started talking about PORN and stuff. They are SEVEN years old. I was really shocked and I asked to myself where the hell is the education in this country, it's just that school or everyguy of that age today. I'd never go back to a school like that. I just can remember what words crossed through my mind when I was their age: Barney, My little Pony, Family, Dogs, Pink, Teddybear and TV. 

The kids today are growing faster. They don't know what they do first than nothing. I'm 16 and know that if you're older you have more responsabilities what's shit cuz'you cannot do what you want to. When you're 7 you can do whatever you want. School's awesome, it's just to meet your friends and talk about the last barney chapter you watched. Today the children want to be older so they talk about things that are not for their age. They shouldn't do that. People, you'll grow, you have to fucking enjoy the moment you're livin'cuz'you'll never live it again. You'll never be younger, be HAPPY!!

I try to give you a message, that'll help you. If you listen to me you'll be much happier. 
That goes for you 7 years old guys ;)


Monday, May 7, 2012

think about it :)

Would you. Make something to be bigger, to make people remember you, for a good thing OF COURSE. Never think you're not good enough and tough this post is so freaking funny hahahah make something to change that feeling I know you have :)

Think abt it!


do you trust me ?

I had a car crash weeks ago, nothing complicated just something went wrong and we crashed. Me and my mom were ok. A woman we didn't know stopped by to help us. She was really kind, but as New York is a big city you don't know who to trust, that's why my mom was really nervous about her. She helped me as hell to be patient and happy because nothing happened to me. My mom continued being nervous until she left. She told me that tough that woman seemed reaally nice, she couldnt trust her, because she knew that the people that steal you can be like angels first but then seek and destroy.

Many say that's because of the big city, but it's not like that. You can start from the happy ending, or the easiest example. Friends at school. You don't know if you should trust them. I trusted my best friend in the 6th grade my facebook password and she hacked me. The world teaches you not to trust anyone, wheather if you "know"them or not. This is the life. SHIT.

I know, you may think now, shit my bestfriend would never do me something like that. People is weird, you don't know what to expect of them, they could be angels or devils. You cannot know it. Many people marry others thinking that are perfect, but sometimes, they are FUCKING CRAZY. There's no way to know a person totally, the mind is crazy, sometimes it also changes . Often people don't know themselves. They don't know what they can do to others, how can them hurt them or in the other hand, help them. 

The lesson here is NOT do not trust anyone, its to learn who and what you trust. Sometimes there are things you have to keep to yourself, like your facebook password, for example. Trust people things that matter. There are some things that you need to share with others, so that they can help you.

But be careful!

Trust me ;)



Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who says you can't go home?

I have this friend, that's one of my best friends. When we were in the 5th grade she moved to Canada. I think that was hard to her, to leave the city where she lived her whole life and start from 0, in a new city, a new life.  We all learn to live where we have to, because of work, school or anything. But we always have in our mind the only place in this world where we will always be part of. Our hometown. Wherever it is, we all have one. The place where you always can feel that you're welcome and that you are identificated with, that's your place.
Who says you can't go home?

Who says you can't go home?   There's only one place that call me one of their own...

People have to move from their hometown really often, some of them because they want to, some of them forced by a war or any kind of problems. Usually, they move to a totally different place of the one they come from, and as always they have to be "happy"or HAPPY there. I mean, altough you like a place because of their look or because you spent 1 week there and decided it was awesome, it'll never be like you're real home. You don't have family there, you don't know anything at all, you weren't born with the stuff that's there and you didn't grow up with it neither. In your hometown you know everything and everything has a meaning to you. The little market where everything's cheaper, the cinema where you met with your friends, the park where you played in your childhood. And those memories will never change. Because they already happened and you cannot do anything to change them. 

Who says you can't go back?  Been all around the world and as a matter of fact...There's only one place left, I want to go...

You can move to a better place, where you have more opportunities, where you have a new family and a place you love. But it'll never be your COMPLETE home, because of the things I already said. 

I'm not telling you cannot be happy where you live, just that you must NEVER forget where you come from because that defines who you are!



Bells of freedom

When I was 10 I decided I was a big girl and that I could go in the world by my own. I packed some food and water and went out of my house with an idea in my head: to go somewhere in the big city and discover why it was called like that. 2 hours after that, I was in my house, eating lunch and watching TV. 

Many people don't want to grow up, other want to grow up faster. Some people, like me, for example, would like to live in other time or place. My dream would be to live in the 80's, so I could go and meet my favorite stars in their beginings. That'd be awesome.However, what I want to say, it's that, tough we have freedom and the world  accepts it, we have to learn when it's the better moment to use it.

When you're 15 more or less, you have the freedom to choice your own ways. Our parents or the people that REALLY care about us want to teach us what are the better things to do, because they love us and they have more experience in this world. They want to teach us, so that we can learn of their mistakes and, consequently, be better than them. That's why we have to listen to them.

Freedom is being able of making your own decisions, but it's also being able to understand if what you want it's the better thing to do.

Choose wisely


Save a prayer

I know how busy you must be, but Hey God... 

Do you ever think about me ?

When I was a little kid I used to be almost always with my grandma. I remember we went really often to the park and played together. She was awesome. I think that she's the best part of my childhood. Some weeks ago, she died of cancer. It was a very long process. It was very painful to see to all my family but specially to me. My childhood died in a BOOM! And in that moment I could only think why god makes this kind of stuff to us.

I like to watch those documentaries about the life in Africa. It's kinda sad to see those poor people that didn't eat in weeks, while we are "starving"because we haven't eaten in half an hour. And don't tell me that you NEVER  do that! I know you have! Have you felt that something is too bad and you cry because you don't understand, because you're a good person, and you don't think something bad should happen to you? I just realized and I'm really mad because of it, I'm like that. I was an idiot. When my grandma died I was so sad I said I wanted to giveup to religion, because it didnt mean anything if it made things like that to the "good"people. Life is like that. You cannot expect livin' forever. And if we would, that would be so freaking borriiinggg! (i read a book about living forever hahaha). Also we all need something to believe in.

In a world that gives us nothing, we need something to believe in...

In that moment when you feel lonely, remember those others moments when you were totally happy and nothing could take you out of that happiness. Those moments are the best and the strongest memories you'll have in life. Be positive, because if you do that, you live more. Not forever but more ;) 

That's all I wanted to tell

R.I.P granny, be happy over there, I'll be there in 80 years more or less, don't forget me, I won't! :) I love you!


evolution and today kids

When I was about 5 I wanted to go to Egypt. I thought I’d be like in movies, with the faraons and stuff. As I was a child, people didn’t tell me anything, tough, I know now, they thought I was stupid. Now you see a kid of about 11 years old with the same thoughts that should have a one of 2 and I just think how the evolution is working these days.

Kids of, at least, my town are being more stupid each day. It is totally interesting to watch their behavior in every single place. Not just at home and with their “mommies”, it also happens at school and when they are with friends. I can be a little; I don’t know, evil with these guys, well sometimes ;). I like to say the truth, so I tell them what I think of their way to express themselves. It is funny to watch and hear, but I think that they have to understand how the world’s.

The people change every day and the humanity has to go better and better and so, but if the today kids are like that, how will they be when they turn 32? Will they still want to be at school or live with their parents? (well those situations we can also see today). But people, I don’t have age to have a child, but if you’re old enough and already have one, don’t let them be that kind of persons, they will suffer in the future, because of MANY different things!

Understand it and don’t take it too personal,



The what if club.

What if the world ends tonight?

I have a friend who doesnt know what's the right think to do and always asks before doing and thinks a LOT. A day I decided to call him "what if" because he always repeated that: what if I fail this one, what if she hates it, what if I can't handle it? I tried to help him and made the what if club, that had as goal to give this guy more confidence in himself. We met everysingle weekend to talk with What ifs and stuff.

There are many people who are scared about tomorrow and what will happen after the actions of today.They are always thinking on the future and don't care about today. For example the college, the 12.21 (last day of the world OMG), etc. They don't realize, life is one and that you have to live the moment you're in. Don't you know that you'll never be younger than you are at this very moment? Life is soo short you cannot spend it thinking of what ifs stuffss!!!

Now I'd like to talk a  bit more about this thing that "will happen"in December. OMG the world ends, the mayas and that stuff. Haha, SO many times people have done that, just to scary them. They like to scare us, with anything, they sell us a product. So don't think about what ifs now. Altough the world ended that day, what could we do? anything. Just enjoying "our last days".

However there are things in life that you cant handle like TIME for example, but remember that you can control what you do with that time that the life gives us. You can use it good or bad, it's your choice!

Now that you read this think of today and how you are enjoying what you ARE doing at this moment.
There'll be time to think about tomorrow. When? well, tomorrow! :)

Bye bye what if people :)


Never Give Up level 100

I like to post things on twitter, and as always there are these #hashtags to express your mood. A friend started tweeting to the artists putting things such as : Follow me .... #NeverGiveUp  about idk 100 times to each artist. It was kinda fun to see, how they followed her. One of those put : Hey, sure I'll follow you yeah,yeah #NeverGiveUp. She never gave up, tough if that was an stupid example, I'm gonna talk you about the difference between the people who give up and the one who don't.

People like to give up, never putting effort on what they dream of. They think that their biggest hopes and dreams will fall from the sky without doing anything at all. They have no idea of the life. All the successful people that make those shitty biographies that noone has time to read, say that they reached their dreams, by fighting really, really hard. Of course when you read that crap you say, dude even if I give my best to be a singer I wont reach it, because I have no idea how to sing! Well, hahah you know, the 80% of the pop singers cannot sing. Justin Bieber is the clearer example of that. 

So now, why if Justin Bieber can be like the most famous person in this world you cannot be, well at least famous and be outstanding in the industry. Well, being a singer, it's just an example, maybe I don't know, the typical fan girl dream to marry your favorite artist, go and stalk him/her and reach it. There are ways to reach any of your dreams, of course you have to have freetime haha, but you CAN. The message of all this is #NeverGiveUp, people

Remember that if this friend convinced Harry Styles to follow her on twitter just by writing 50 tweets :), you can make WHATEVER you want to, no matter how crazy it is. 

Now don't say that it's impossible and never, ever giveup! 


Friday, May 4, 2012

Be you :)

Everyone's a Miracle in their own way, just listen to yourself, not what other people say...
When I was a little girl, I suffered as hell at school. I hadn't got friends because I was different of the others. Noone wanted to play with me and I felt "bullied". I remember telling that to my parents, and asking them if I should change myself to have more friends and be happier (you know change my attitude). They always said that I could NEVER do that. I never understood that, until I grew up.

People like to change, change because of other people, not because they really want to. They change to have more friends and to be popular. But that's not everything in life. They change their iddentity, who they are and they sell theirselves to a group of people that are trying to do that, to make them deppend of the others. They don't realize how hurted they are until they go to college and are not with their "school friends" anymore. They realize that those were idiots and that wont reach anything important in the life. 

Take a look around and tell me what you see, is who you think you are, who you wanna be?

The main point here is that we all have to recognize  that kind of people that sucks your soul, so that you don't fall into their tricks. They want you to feel like a loser and to fail in life! Don't let them make you feel like that or do that! You are you, be yourself, be you, never change!

When you want to giveup and your heart's about to break remember that you're perfect, god makes no mistakes :)
