Saturday, May 5, 2012

Never Give Up level 100

I like to post things on twitter, and as always there are these #hashtags to express your mood. A friend started tweeting to the artists putting things such as : Follow me .... #NeverGiveUp  about idk 100 times to each artist. It was kinda fun to see, how they followed her. One of those put : Hey, sure I'll follow you yeah,yeah #NeverGiveUp. She never gave up, tough if that was an stupid example, I'm gonna talk you about the difference between the people who give up and the one who don't.

People like to give up, never putting effort on what they dream of. They think that their biggest hopes and dreams will fall from the sky without doing anything at all. They have no idea of the life. All the successful people that make those shitty biographies that noone has time to read, say that they reached their dreams, by fighting really, really hard. Of course when you read that crap you say, dude even if I give my best to be a singer I wont reach it, because I have no idea how to sing! Well, hahah you know, the 80% of the pop singers cannot sing. Justin Bieber is the clearer example of that. 

So now, why if Justin Bieber can be like the most famous person in this world you cannot be, well at least famous and be outstanding in the industry. Well, being a singer, it's just an example, maybe I don't know, the typical fan girl dream to marry your favorite artist, go and stalk him/her and reach it. There are ways to reach any of your dreams, of course you have to have freetime haha, but you CAN. The message of all this is #NeverGiveUp, people

Remember that if this friend convinced Harry Styles to follow her on twitter just by writing 50 tweets :), you can make WHATEVER you want to, no matter how crazy it is. 

Now don't say that it's impossible and never, ever giveup! 


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