Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bells of freedom

When I was 10 I decided I was a big girl and that I could go in the world by my own. I packed some food and water and went out of my house with an idea in my head: to go somewhere in the big city and discover why it was called like that. 2 hours after that, I was in my house, eating lunch and watching TV. 

Many people don't want to grow up, other want to grow up faster. Some people, like me, for example, would like to live in other time or place. My dream would be to live in the 80's, so I could go and meet my favorite stars in their beginings. That'd be awesome.However, what I want to say, it's that, tough we have freedom and the world  accepts it, we have to learn when it's the better moment to use it.

When you're 15 more or less, you have the freedom to choice your own ways. Our parents or the people that REALLY care about us want to teach us what are the better things to do, because they love us and they have more experience in this world. They want to teach us, so that we can learn of their mistakes and, consequently, be better than them. That's why we have to listen to them.

Freedom is being able of making your own decisions, but it's also being able to understand if what you want it's the better thing to do.

Choose wisely


1 comment:

  1. Freedom is in our mind. If our mind bonded in with some one or something where ever we go we are not free. Find inner freedom then we can be free forever.
    Thats a complex thing. But simply if we follow freedom as we want, We may have to miss or ignore our responsebilities to family and country.
