Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who says you can't go home?

I have this friend, that's one of my best friends. When we were in the 5th grade she moved to Canada. I think that was hard to her, to leave the city where she lived her whole life and start from 0, in a new city, a new life.  We all learn to live where we have to, because of work, school or anything. But we always have in our mind the only place in this world where we will always be part of. Our hometown. Wherever it is, we all have one. The place where you always can feel that you're welcome and that you are identificated with, that's your place.
Who says you can't go home?

Who says you can't go home?   There's only one place that call me one of their own...

People have to move from their hometown really often, some of them because they want to, some of them forced by a war or any kind of problems. Usually, they move to a totally different place of the one they come from, and as always they have to be "happy"or HAPPY there. I mean, altough you like a place because of their look or because you spent 1 week there and decided it was awesome, it'll never be like you're real home. You don't have family there, you don't know anything at all, you weren't born with the stuff that's there and you didn't grow up with it neither. In your hometown you know everything and everything has a meaning to you. The little market where everything's cheaper, the cinema where you met with your friends, the park where you played in your childhood. And those memories will never change. Because they already happened and you cannot do anything to change them. 

Who says you can't go back?  Been all around the world and as a matter of fact...There's only one place left, I want to go...

You can move to a better place, where you have more opportunities, where you have a new family and a place you love. But it'll never be your COMPLETE home, because of the things I already said. 

I'm not telling you cannot be happy where you live, just that you must NEVER forget where you come from because that defines who you are!



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